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We use the Ten Town worksheets to help the children to practise correctly forming numbers. Using Ten Town speeds up this process as there is a instructional rhyme to accompany each digit. Repeating this will help your child to write their numbers correctly every time.


Working on number formation early will mean the children will avoid problems later on, like writing numbers backwards or misreading their own handwriting.  


Learning about the Ten Town characters is also handy when you want to introduce the bonds to ten. At this point, their stories will again provide a useful memory aid.


The video above will show you how each number is correctly formed. You can use this in conjunction with the worksheets from the Ten Town site.


 Encourage your child to colour in the characters on the sheets as this helps with strengthening their hand muscles and improving pencil grip. 


Once your child is comfortable with using the guides, they should practice writing the numbers correctly on a blank sheet of paper.

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