There are two options for a Year 4 looking to take an 11+ mock test. We have a slightly easier Year 4 test. This version will review the material that your child has hopefully covered already and give guidance on which other topics need to be revised. Alternatively, you can choose the Year 5 mock and receive a predicted 11+ score, which will give you an idea of how far your child is from a pass. With the Year 5 test, it’s more likely that there will be a number of topics your child hasn’t covered yet.
Below, we have outlined the circumstances under which certain mocks will be appropriate, however, regardless of this information, if your child is likely to get anxious when encountering new topics, we suggest doing the Year 4 11+ mock so as not to unnerve him/her.
If a general admissions place at Bexley or Kent grammar school will be your first choice, you may wish to sit the Year 4 versions of these papers this academic year.
If your child will need to be in the top 180 students in order to get into Bexley, they should be scoring around a (standard) pass by the end of Year 4. In this case, you could get them to sit the Year 5 paper to see if this is the case.
If St. Olave’s will eventually be your first choice school, we recommend sitting a Year 5 Kent 11+ mock in Year 4. The Kent mock is easier than the Olave’s mock but will cover broadly the same subjects as the Stage One exam.
Historically, some of the boys that got into Olave’s were able to achieve a low pass in the Kent or Bexley Year 5 mocks when sitting these tests at the end of Year 4.
We have three different versions of the Year 5 Newstead Wood mock so your child could sit a Newstead mock in Year 4 and then either re-sit the test in Year 5 or switch to doing a new paper.
Our Newstead Wood report details your child’s performance in each of the main verbal and non-verbal reasoning question styles. Armed with this knowledge, you will know where to focus your efforts during the course of Year 5.
Learn more about our Newstead Mock Exam here.
We do not recommend that Year 4s attend our first mocks of the year. We therefore suggest that they attend a mock in July or August instead.
Sitting a mock in Year 4 gives children the chance to experience an exam environment without having to worry too much about their results. Sitting a mock at an early stage can therefore help to relieve anxiety later.
If your heart is set on attaining a place at a super-selective, such as Olave’s, Newstead, Dartford, Judd or the Bexley top 180, then a Year 4 mock is also helpful in making sure your child is as advanced as they should be when going into Year 5.
Year 4 mocks are booked in the same way as Year 5 mocks. Please make sure to enter your child’s date of birth so our team can contact you before the exam to check which version you would like your child to complete.
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