Ages 6+
You will need:
Pen/pencil and paper.
Once your child is able to add and subtract using the written method from the last video, they can move on to using greater values and therefore having to carry or borrow.
Addition with carrying is needed when the sum of the units is greater than 9, there is now a tens value as well as units.
The video above explains how to apply the method of addition to include carrying. The steps of addition remain the same, drawing symbols and counting them to find the total of the units and then the tens. This time, however, the total number of units will be greater than 9, so the value cannot be put straight into the units of the answer.
Ask your child to write the sum of the units under then space for the answer. The tens and units of this value can now be identified. The units can now be written in the right column of the answer space and the tens need to be carried by writing a small number under the tens space of the answer. Now the tens can be counted as normal but make sure your child does not forget to also include the ten which was carried under the answer space.
The image above shows clearly how to carry the tens value after finding the sum of the units. The arrows show the correct place to then put these numbers before going on to count the tens.
After your child has become comfortable with carrying when adding numbers, they can move on to borrowing when subtracting numbers. When the value of the units which is being subtracted is higher than the units in the greater number, your child will need to use borrowing the calculate their answer.
We recommend that you wait a day or two after learning to carry when adding before moving onto borrowing when subtracting so that your child does not start to mix them up and get confused.
The video above explains how to incorporate borrowing into the original method of subtraction. The fundamental steps of subtraction remain the same, drawing the symbols for the first number and then crossing the value of the second number, starting with the units, to calculate the remaining quantity. However, now the value of units in the second number is greater than in the first, so we need to borrow some units to take away the right amount.
To borrow using this method you need to cross out one of the tens symbols from the first number and then draw ten unit symbols to replace it. Now there are enough units to follow the steps of subtraction correctly.
The image above shows the calculations to solve this subtraction using borrowing. You can see by the line under the original two units, the ten units which were taken by removing one of the tens.
Your child should practice these types of questions a few times a week to become comfortable with the method. After lots of practice they may be ready to move onto the column method but this is not encouraged until they can easily use the current method to calculate the correct answer consistently over many weeks.
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