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Wordier Live: 11+ Vocabulary Course

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Booking/Product Info

Wordier Live brings vocabulary learning to an online community of kids, delivered by expert tutors every week, over six weeks.


A set of six one-hour vocabulary group classes taught live by one of our expert tutors. We aim to introduce over 20 words a week.

Great for children studying for the 11+ (that’s Year 4 and above) but we always welcome younger, verbally ambitious children if they feel like they can keep up.


In these classes, kids will get: 

  • 1-hour classes (plus a contest) from just £8.17 per session
  • New vocabulary worksheets and online activities
  • Homework tasks after each session
  • Revision quizzes throughout
  • Weekly live vocabulary tournament (optional)


Why We Made It: 

We’d been teaching online classes for a while and they had become really popular with kids and parents – they were asking for more! So we spent time researching techniques and finding new and better ways to expose children to a large number of words in a shorter period of time. We wanted vocab to take centre stage and give kids a chance to test out words and decode them so they can learn even more. 


Upcoming Courses:

Spring Term 2:

Mondays with Fiona at 5 p.m. from 24 February to 31 March 2025

Fridays with Kamilah at 4:30 p.m. from 28 February to 4 April 2025

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Some love

From Students' Parents

[My daughter said] the real Bexley test was far closer to your mock than those of the other providers we used. Thank you for all the work that must go into making your test reflect what the CEM does.

2019 Parent

Thank you for another wonderful week of topics and exercises at the summer school. O says she has learnt some new tricks and she is feeling more and more confident in her abilities, which is a lovely thing to see.
