St. Olave's Preparation

If your child is applying to St. Olaves then your 11+ preparation needs to be tailored specifically towards this exam’s requirements. 

St. Olave’s two-stage entrance test is one of the toughest in the country. Stage One features maths, English, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, whereas Stage Two features comprehension, SPAG, maths and creative writing. As befits a top-ranking secondary school, it is one of the toughest exams in the country – many Year 10s would struggle with it.

With our years of experience and success in tutoring children for the St. Olave’s exam, we have developed a range of resources that are specially tailored to this difficult exam.

try a lesson

The video below reviews the comprehension portion of a Stage One St. Olave’s sample paper. The lesson contains detailed analysis of the vocabulary used, and instruction on how to approach the comprehension section.

Click here to download the full sample paper.

(The lesson lasts around an hour. Fast forward to minute 9 if you want to skip the waiting room.)

St. Olaves learning materials

practice papers - stage 1 (New)

Practising past papers is an invaluable part of any exam preparation.

We are pleased to announce the release of Stage 1 papers for St. Olaves.

    Each set consists of :-

  • A combined Maths and English paper
  • Complete answers and solutions

Practice Papers - stage 2

Each set consists of :-

  • A combined Maths and English paper with creative writing prompt
  • Full answers with solutions for maths problems

the memory game : lEARN LITERARY DEVICES

Play a game and have fun whilst learning the literary devices tested in the St. Olave’s exam. Designed for both Stage One and Stage Two preparation.

Features literary devices such as: metaphor, alliteration, euphemism, assonance and more. 

This game also helps with SATs preparation and builds short-term memory and processing skills, which aid exam performance across all subjects.

creative writing workbook for key stages 2 and 3

This 52-page workbook will take your child through a wide variety of exercises to develop descriptive writing skills and hone writing for a variety of fiction and non-fiction purposes. Handy examples and mini-exercises will encourage your child to focus on the components of great writing so that he or she is capable of putting it altogether into one stellar piece.

Also contains a mark scheme.


Each creative writing masterclass delves into a different skill or genre that will provide your child with the inspiration, confidence and skillset to excel in creative writing exams. 

Students will learn how to craft and structure a story, understand different genres and to use sophisticated writing techniques, such as pathetic fallacy and foreshadowing, in their own writing.

Discover other ways to support 11+ success.